Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Death to Zealots

Had lunch with Rob Caughlan today. What a force of nature. His inspirations: his mom, JFK (what can you do for your country) and Jacques Cousteau (don't be a follower of someone like me, go do your own thing). I invited him to join the board of R2R, I hope he joins us. We spoke of turtles and surfing, over population and John Doerr, the new Pambo and PLC.org , Amazing Grace and Blessed Unrest. What a wise man with such great stories. Part of his message, be an environmentalist, or find your cause, but what ever you do, have fun. That he does. He is also working on a documentary about Pete McCloskey. He needs about $25K to finish the project, wanna donate to make this happen, drop me a line.

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