In this holiday season, I am once again struck by the influence of consumerism and its effects on the environment.
First, Sandra sent me a link to the Story of Stuff - great little video from Free Range Studios - it is 20 minutes of pure gold explaining how consumerism is at the heart of the environmental crises. How we have been "re-trained" to buy, buy, buy. How events like Christmas have been turned into the Consumer Super Bowl to drive the economy resulting in havoc to environment and us. Watch it. Show it to your kids. Share it with your entire family and with your friends.
Second, so Sandra decides that this year, this holiday season, we will not be giving gifts, at least not the type driven by a consumer society bent on destruction, poison and disposability. This season we are giving gifts on your behalf to non-profits that stop this destructive cycle. I told a colleague about Sandra's plan. She told me, "Yeah, I tried that one year and I was left with nothing but un-happy kids and was made out to be the Grinch..." Sure, I can see how this happens, but there has to be a better way to stop the consumerism and still be able to give. So beyond the donations to non-profits, we are re-gifting - recycling old gifts - recycling things that we like and turning them "new" again. No, you won't be getting my torn, old shirts as a present. But that DVD of Season One of "Weeds" that you haven't seen yet, well I've seen it and it is new to you. So enjoy. It will come wrapped in newspaper.
Third, the greatest gift I can give now, is my time, time being fully present with my family and loved ones. So that's where I'm off to now...